Business Coaching Co-Razón

Organizational / Business Coaching

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The final aim of Coaching Co-Razón in the organizational / business area in is to advise, accompany, make easier, promote and develop change processes.

From Coaching Co-Razón in its organizational / business are the following values are fostered:


We set off from the premise that each of the members of the team is unique and a one-off, with enough potential, talent, competences and abilities to achieve, through a coaching process, becoming the best version of themselves.


We believe it is of vital importance to improve the leadership skills of the manager-leader and of each of the people in the group in charge in the interest of:
Facing an efficient management of the change
Unlearn in order to learn
Lead oneself in order to lead
Influence, motivate, include and unite the work groups


We believe that each and every one of us has many resources that in many occasions we are not aware of; where the possibility to learn from experience and from mistakes, utilising our inner resources and strengths, enable the overcoming of difficult situation, reflecting our inherent capacity to resist.


We believe the act of communication to be essential to link the control over activities with a greater coordination and awareness. This leads to an improvement in the dynamics of interaction between the team members by optimising the internal-external communication management of the business and enabling different work perspectives to be present. In combination permitting reaching agreements, screening, unifying, installing and subsequently evaluating how to establish and provide guidelines for new work dynamics.


We trust that a job well organised, agreed on and orientated towards knowledge and detection of plans and objectives in the short and medium term, with the implication and acceptance sufficiently guided tasks, is a basic characteristic for all actions to be accomplished, by each and every team member, not to fall out of context; but remain part of a previously defined, analysed, revised, regularly assessed sequence, thus enabling actions to be corrected immediately in the light of a possible obstacle or unexpected event.

Encourage creative thinking that will allow new strategies to be designed to achieve the set goals.

Define set objectives in the search for comprehensive, profitable and efficient solutions to be more competitive and sustainable.

Promote the human capital of a business to become a high efficiency team within the organisation.

Our main passion and concern is to contribute an added value to the business, that will satisfy, improve, define and outline this concept of professional brand that wants to be transmitted. Combine the experience and professional knowledge of the self-made entrepreneurs, with cutting-edge knowledge, innovation and leading with Co-Razón, which will allow a reorganization of the structure and material and emotional costs of the business benefiting its economic and financial profitability, and a greater emotional well-being for the human capital (many times with family ties between them) that form it. We accompany the application of assertive non-violent communication with the generational shift; the internal restructuration stages of the business to adapt to new eras and ways of life; and the capacity to be flexible in order to set new roles, tasks and responsibilities.

The aim is to create a distinguishing way of working, unequivocal and representative, that transmits the philosophy, culture and values held by the company we are representing.