Where did my idea come from?
Where did my idea come from?
I would like to dedicate this project to each and every person who has walked beside me on my LIFE JOURNEY and on my walks to Compostela. Thanks to those people I have become the person I am today, with my strengths and weaknesses, extraordinarily unique, just like each and every one of you.
The work environment I grew up with, my daily excitement and motivation and the deep commitment to my business project, sparing no effort, remind me of a special and popular quote from Berthold Bretch:
My company logo represents a scallop shell, the most characteristic symbol of the Camino de Santiago (the way of Saint James). For me, it also evokes the sea, the permanent memory of my family: they are from the Galician coast, really close to those wonderful beaches where I like walking and getting lost so much, not only during summer, but also when it rains…
Green is the color associated with hope, with the tranquillity and calm we all yearn for at different moments in our lives. An inner peace that I consider, without a doubt, one of the essential values in my life. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to give my very best, be the best version of myself and, as a consequence, I wouldn’t be able to accompany those who are their best version.
Santiago de Compostela is the destination, the target for thousands of pilgrims who, step by step, after many long days of journeying, arrive to the Co-Razón1, a perfect combination born of willingness, courage and reason. That is to say, they reach their own hearts, that emotional side that is so many times set aside, buried in thoughts like “I can’t”, “I’m not able to”, “I don’t deserve it”. We don’t even allow ourselves to name those feelings, to express them out loud, we often refuse to accept that they are real, that they belong to us. That emotional part, usually considered inferior to reason, is actually the only way and only reason why, from the moment we are born, people notice and value us.
Thus, I decided that ignoring my true needs and concerns in order to solely satisfy the needs of others had too high an emotional cost, and, one day, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and reinvent myself. I found myself working on one of my passions, a passion that, due to other circumstances, I hadn’t been able to focus on until now.
I wondered who would take a chance on me in anything, if I didn’t do it myself. Only I could give myself wings, so I embarked on the Way of Saint James, where I discovered infinite possibilities to develop the Talents that I (just like every one of you) possess. And I began to do so in a simple but effective way: I decided to change how I looked at the world.
This is how everything I am telling you now came together, and I hope it will help you. This was all born from my experience and that’s how the first seed of my project was planted…
…With all my Co-razón, walking to Compostela. For years, I went through diverse stages and walked different routes, taking part at the same time in the process of Coaching de Camino a Compostela (Coaching On Our Way to Compostela). It was during those journeys when the projects “Coaching Co-Razón” and “Talento Femenino en Movimiento” (Feminine Talent In Motion) took shape.
During those long and unforgettable walks, I organized my dreams and ideas. Far from the hustle and bustle, I dreamt big, thinking about so many ideas that I might get to develop some day…
If I succeed, you will undoubtedly be another protagonist of this story, of my story…
… and I will never forget something life has taught me so many times:
We are wanderers and we will meet on the road.